This was the fall of when I fell. My very darkest hour. After some amount of management over the voices I still was not well. My psychiatrist had excused me from work to find rest. But for some reason I still ran for safety. I found safety from this illness by another boss and the HR director at work. I had tremendous amount of respect for both of them. I respected them because they had shown kindness to me. The HR director had taken interest in me because he saw something in me that was special. He saw my gifts and talents. I had applied for classes at the local college, and he seemed to like what I was finding. I had discovered my passion to pursue something unexpected.
This was the fall of when I fell. My very darkest hour. After some amount of management over the voices I still was not well. My psychiatrist had excused me from work to find rest. But for some reason I still ran for safety. I found safety from this illness by another boss and the HR director at work. I had tremendous amount of respect for both of them. I respected them because they had shown kindness to me. The HR director had taken interest in me because he saw something in me that was special. He saw my gifts and talents. I had applied for classes at the local college, and he seemed to like what I was finding. I had discovered my passion to pursue something unexpected.
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