: 133
Direct my footsteps according to your word.
My interest in psychology took me at first to want to pursue a path specializing in child psychology but this somehow didn't feel right. I didn't see myself as a clinical psychologist. It wasn't until one day I found myself in the local college library when I found my path. I purchased about an 1" thick book filled with nothing but careers in the field of psychology. I felt right away this was it. This was going to direct me! I took it home and read through the pages right away. After reading and studying each varying degree of the field of psychology is when I turned a page, and something jumped out at me. I read a description titled Industrial/Organizational Psychology. The description fascinated me because I knew right away this was the one. It used all my talents! It listed the abilities to use art, design and decorating to improve the work environment for higher and increased productivity. To have the ability to analyze and summarize the relationships between not only the employees and their environment but the human dynamics and relationships themselves among the employee and employer. To have good listening skills and problem-solving. I loved that it was in the business arena. I knew I found my job. Now, I just needed to pursue it.
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